In case you're new here, you will notice that I do love a dramatic blog title. But seriously, these delicious candy-coated milk chocolate eggs decided to reveal themselves to the retail world again on the day before Valentine's day this year. On a whim, with nothing like premeditation, my husband and I first checked for them at the local Price Chopper, then jokingly also checked the Hannaford, and finally out-and-out stalked them at our local CVS.
Before I sample them, it's, 'I'll stop after a few.' Then the first bite is like magic--I say to myself, 'how can something so good be so bad for me?' as I continue to stuff them into my mouth. It's like I forget everything I know about eating. Then, after the first handful, it's 'these are only out for a brief time every year,' and then 'ah, fuck it, who cares' right before eating the entire bag.
To make matters worse, these eggs are divine with a glass of red wine.
I heard somewhere that Cadbury (or Hershey's or Nestle, whoever owns them now) is thinking about making these chalky-pastel, devilish eggs available year-round. I'm not sure how I feel about this.
If these eggs are available year-round, I'm afraid I'll never be able to satiate my desire for them, and will balloon to over 200lbs. Every time we get a bag of those eggs, we both inhale them, which is why we only buy the smallest bag. Reason says that maybe if they are available year-round, I won't feel the incipient desire to eat as many as I can between Valentine's day and Easter. But I'm not so sure.
They are available in England year round...and they have vending machines all over the place. It's like living in a hell made of delicious chocolate.