
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tired Tuesday

I was going to call this post 'Angry Tuesday' but wanted to use the magic of alliteration again like last week.  Besides I'm not so much angry as I am tired. What am I tired of? I'm tired of taking abuse, and having to thank others for the privilege, that's what I'm tired of. 

Basically, I'm tired of bullshit. Specifically other people's bullshit (OPB).

See, I have more than enough bullshit of my own to trudge through everyday, but I don't take it out on other people. You know what I do when the shit gets real bad? Sometimes I have a glass of red wine or a vodka tonic at night to help calm me down so I can sleep, that's what. I don't construct accusatory essays of how I'm right and everyone else is wrong, and how my life is sooo hard I shouldn't be held accountable for being a jerk when I'm a jerk. That for sure I don't do.

So, Tuesday, I'm saying that I am tired and stressed from working through my lunch break today to deal with myriad bullshit on top of bullshit, I have internal nasal pain that I've never experienced before, my foot hurts from running yesterday, and I'm tired. Yeah, that's right, Chickin is TIRED. Tonight was my night off of running, and I had a glass of wine to calm myself down after the day I had. And now I'm heading to bed before 10:00 like I'm 80 years old--and I will get up and do it all over again tomorrow. Most men lead lives of quiet desperation indeed.

Blerg. Bedtime.

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